Unipet Animal Travel provides
professional pet relocation services
About Us

The founder of Unipet Animal Travel is a super cat lover who had to bring his three cats to Taiwan. Upon receiving quotes from different pet relocation agencies, he found that the charges were so unreasonable that even though ones can afford, they were by no means fair to pet owners. He then studied the procedures of relocating his cats by himself.

He is a member of Animal Protection Association of the Republic of China (APA), a ststutory authority which can enforce juridical actions against animal related crimes.

  • We provide worldwide pet relocation services with reasonable and affordable charges.
  • The safety of pet transport takes priority over profits.
  • We provide door-to-door veterinary service.
  • We registered in 2014 and run rightfully in Hong Kong.
  • Visit facebook.com/unipetat for licence details.
Why Unipet?

‘uni’ means ‘one’.

As everyone in our team is a pet owner, we understand that your pet is unique and one of the most important members in your family.

‘uni’ also refers to ‘unite’.

Our only mission is to help you and your pets unite safely.

Means of Conveyance
1. Animal in Hold
Pets check in at departure hall
2. Animal in Cargo
Pets check in at cargo terminal
3. Animal in Cabin
Pets check in at departure hall
4. Animal in Private Jet
Pets board at HKBAC
Private Jet
  • Binding contract is signed directly between passengers and a licensed travel agency, Perfect Well Tours Ltd. (licence no.: 353394)
  • Protected by The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong
  • Board at Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre (HKBAC)
  • Aircraft type - Bombardier Global Class or similar
  • Each aircraft carries a maximun number of 10 pets and 13-14 passengers
  • In normal situations, '1-passenger-1-pet' system is applied
Global 6000
The advanced wing design provides you with a restful flight and a smooth ride.
This aircraft has the widest cabin in its class with more room than its nearest competitor, delivering maximum comfort and an exceptional cabin experience.
Available Ka-band technology keeps you connected at all times.
It offers the best combination of speed, range, field performance and ride quality.
Your personal items can be retrieved safely from the baggage compartment throughout the flight.

We take every one of the relocation cases seriously with 100% success rate

We endeavor to meet all the safety requirements of every airline and/or private jet

Hong Kong to Taiwan
Domestic Short Hair
Hong Kong to Taiwan
British Short Hair
Hong Kong to UK (Cargo)
British Short Hair
Hong Kong to UK
Hong Kong to UK
Hong Kong to Taiwan
Feature Articles

The founder was a writer for Apple Daily and had his articles about pet relocation published on a regular basis

He is currently a popular interviewee of Oriental Daily

His articles and press interviews are as follows

2023.08.26 專題文章|奴才一言堂系列——英國
2022.07.22 專題文章|奴才一言堂系列——台灣
2022.07.04 媒體採訪︱隔離期難捱 毛孩隨時喪命(東方日報)
2022.07.04 媒體採訪︱代理生意倍增 移英業務佔八成(東方日報)
2022.07.04 媒體採訪︱向世界「錢」進:帶寵物移民 6步要謹慎(東方日報)
2022.04.09 媒體採訪︱塞錢入你袋:寵物移民大剖析!(東方日報)
2022.01.01 感謝國立清華大學圖書館館藏本公司董事長的著作《高山·低谷》
2021.11.15 Global Property Invest:「老狗」移民加拿大 狗主:醫生證明健康 勿棄養
Veterinary Service:
VPro Veterinary Clinic
G/F, 34 Ap Liu Street, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Unipet Animal Travel is a sister company of The Pet Specialist Co. Ltd.
Veterinary Consultation:
Star Feather Veterinary Clinic
Dr. Guo Yi-cheng
(Licence no.: 351)
No. 487, Donglin West Road, Linyuan District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pet Temporary Accommodation
Star Feather Veterinary Clinic
No. 487, Donglin West Road, Linyuan District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Contact us